All things are possible

All things are possible to him who believes! – Mark 9:23

All of us are convinced that nothing is impossible with God (Matthew 19:26), but do you know that the Bible also says that “all things are possible to him who believes?” First of all, you need to know that all things include anything! There is nothing you can mention that will not fall under the category of “all things”. Secondly, you need to know that this verse is not an encouragement for you to try and have more faith. This is what I used to think. It was only later in my life that I realized that it is a statement that reveals my identity. This verse is speaking to you about who you are in Christ, you ARE A BELIEVER, and all things are therefore possible for you. Then the question remains;“How do we experience this life where we see the impossible becoming possible…? How do we live by faith…?”

The moment you receive Jesus Christ, you also receive the ability to believe. A person can be born again today and raise the dead the very same day because the fullness of the ability to believe is already inside of a born-again believer. But why don’t we see the dead raised every single day? This ability to believe that we have inside of us, gets activated when we hear the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Faith comes by hearing (Romans 10:17). This is the most important part of living by faith. If we hear about who Jesus is and what He has done for us, faith arises in our hearts. Faith is not trying to believe. Trying to believe is actually the opposite of true faith. The more you try to believe the less you believe. Trying to believe depends on you, and you possessing true faith means your trust is in Jesus. Jesus said, “Only believe.” If I can put in my own words what Jesus said here, it will be;
“stop depending on yourself and put all your trust in me, only believe – it’s as easy as that guys.” The word says in Romans 10 verse 11:“no man who believes in Him will ever be put to shame or be disappointed.”

If you look back at the times when Jesus was on the earth, people heard reports of the healings that took place, which resulted in them going to the places where Jesus was, to receive from Him. Faith came to their hearts when they heard the reports and it caused them to place themselves in a position to receive the miracle they needed. It is still the same today. This brings me to the second important part of living the faith life, act and/or speak according to what you believe. Keep on hearing and hearing what God has done for you in Christ and step out on what you believe and/or speak what you believe. To live by faith means you do not look at your circumstances, news events and situations around you that might not look good and act according to what you see in the natural. You should never look at situations and internalize it by asking yourself: “Do I have enough faith for this to happen?” When you face impossible situations, you need to remind yourself that you already possess everything you need for this situation to change!

You can pray, but then you should also step out, act, and say something in line with what you believe God already did for you. It is done!

Say this out loud with me: “I am a believer. All things are possible for me, right now.”